Saturday, June 20, 2009

kawan baru..

aku dapat kawan baru.. dia muncul tiba-tiba kat kedai n kite pun jadi kawan.. he is a nice guy.. funny.. have a lot of story to tell and very open minded.. its nice to finally have someone to talk to.. tapi yang problem nyer.. mamat ni sgtlah ramai peminat.. bile sume peminat dia aware yang dia ade kawan baru.. sume start add aku as their fren kat fb.. bile aku tgk mutual fren.. sume mamat ni nyer kawan..minah2 ni sume sebok nak tahu ape relationship aku ngan mamat ni.. pening kepala dibuat nyer.. akhirnye aku tak layan sorang pun.. sume skali aku ignore.. suka hati dia org je nak jadi kawan aku tapi tak kenal aku langsung..

##im out##

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

the competition..

lame giler tak tulis kat blog.. bz sangat2.. rase cam nak patah tulang2 sume.. nasib baik tak patah lagi..lately ade satu perlumbaan yang aku perlu menang.. bile pikir balik, perlu menang atau ego aku yang tinggi ni yang taknak mengalah dgn dia.. aku tak pasti.. tapi tetap aku nak lawan gak..tak pernah terlintas nak jadikan dia competitor aku.. dia bukan sepatutnye jadi lawan.. kite patut berpakat dalam hal ni.. tapi tiba2 dia jadi lawan aku.. indirectly dia dah declare war.. aku tak tau nak buat ape.. nak decide ape.. tapi aku pasti satu perkara.. tuhan dah tentukan sape pemenang perlumbaan ni.. kalau aku kalah aku terima.. walaupun seboleh-bolehnye aku nak menang.. lebih2 lagi biler lawan aku ialah dia.. takde senjata untuk aku lawan dia.. yang ade cuma diri sendiri.. i just be my self n try my best to win the competiton.. as a risk taker im willing to compete.. tapi biler pikir balik, rase cam takde chance nak menang..whatever it is.. im ready to war.. n im gonna win it!!.. wish me luck..

##im out##

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

im pregnant..

dua hari ni aku nyer mood mmg teruk giler.. ni sume pasal byk sgt keje dan byk sgt halangan utk aku siapkan keje2 tu..hari ni dapat msg dari alia.. my best friend since we were 14..lia text me.. "hi babe.. how r u.. just wanna tell u tht.. IM PREGNANT.. lalalala.." aku nyer terkejut tak terkate.. terus call dia.. n she started laughing bile dgr aku ckp ello.. aku mintak confirmation.. betul ke dia pregnant.. n she said yes.. rase happy giler, happy sgt2.. untuk lia n her hubby.. lia has gone to another phase of life now.. from being a girl, a wife and now she is expecting.. she gonna deliver her baby soon.. n i cant wait for it..tibe2 hilang sume bad mood sejak 2 hari yg lepas... rase happy je.. i cant stop smiling.. sume ni sebab one msg from my best friend.. congrats lia.. may u always happy with ur life.. and all the best for ur future..
*already set a date to meet lia n zura to celeberate this happy news.. cant wait to see u guys.. :-)
##im out##

Thursday, April 23, 2009

they obeyed me...

hihihi.. dua org mamat yang asyik call tu dah stop calling.. dia org dah tak nak ganggu aku lagi.. puncanye.. aku ni jenis yg easily get angry.. so kalau pagi2 phone aku dah tak henti2 bunyi mmg 90% confirm aku bad mood hari tu.. so today morning pun camtu.. dua ekor antu ni kept calling dari time aku switch on the phone which was around 8am.. can u believe it? pukul 8 pagi aku dah dapat prank calls.. so wat i did.. i called one of them.. n asked who is he.. i didnt wait for the answer, i asked again, why r u keep calling me.. n then before hanging up.. i said menyusahkan org betul lah..and i said all this rudely.. ya i knw im the one who cannot tolerate rudeness.. but then they were rude to me too.. thts more calls sampai skarang.. hopefully they wont call anymore.. hahaha..
##im out##

bleh tak berhenti call aku??..

ari ni ade dua phone number yang asyik2 call aku.. satu number ni biler aku jawab dia matikan panggilan tu.. yg sorang lagi aku jawab elloo.. dia ckp elloo gak.. tapi tak ckp bende lain.. tension sungguh.. dah tu dua2 antar msg.. "askum.. awak, bleh berkenalan?.." dah tu yg sorang ni call lagi dalam pukul 1 tadi.. bile aku jawab dia letak phone tu.. pastu msg lagi.. tanye.. "awak dah tido ke?" ade gak org yang macam ni.. aku ingat sume org dah tau bersopan santun.. kalau nak berkenalan pun takkan lah antor msg or buat panggilan camtu.. bagi aku..nampak tak ikhlas sungguh.. (this is my personal opinion on this matter).. takkan mungkin aku setuju nak jadi kawan org2 yang mcm ni..
* kalau betul2 nak kawan nape tak call elok2 cakap elok2.. kenal kan diri, bagi tau dari mane dapat phone num aku n then tell me tht u wanna be my fren.. aku rase ade chance 80% yang aku akan accept dia jadi kawan aku.. for guys. if u think by doing this kinda thing u will get the girl u want.. im so sorry to say.. girls now are alot more harder to u gotta try harder in a MUCH MUCH better way.. and for girls.. if u think guys will like u if u keep calling and disturbing them.. let me tell u.. its not working either.. they deserve to be treated in a nicer way.. so people.. dont try to be 'mysterious' by doing this.. nobody will agree with least NOT ME!!
** ni memang menjadi kepantangan aku sejak dulu lagi.. i cant tolerate rude people.. theres no way u will be forgiven or will be treated nicely if u are rude to me.. theres just no way!!.. so people out there.. if u are reading this entry.. please, please please.. think before u do something.. kadang2 kite ingat ape yang kite buat tu ok.. tapi pada org yg menerima tu lain plak.. ade org yg very sensitive ngan bende2 camni.. aku tau aku bukan ratu cantik.. bukan cantik langsung pun.. tapi i think everyone in this world deserve to be treated with full respect, no matter where are they from, wht is their education level and how do they look like.. so skali lagi aku nak ingatkan sesame kite supaya berfikir dulu sebelum buat sesuatu..
*** seingat akulah kan.. kite mesti menghormati semua orang seperti mane yang kite mahu di hormati.. even dalam semua agama yang ade kat dunia ni, ajar bende yang same.. so why cant we do it tht way? just be polite to people and u'll get wat u want.. trust me..
##im out##

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

He likes me.. Doesn't He?...

ok girls.. this is wat ive read from a website.. i copied and pasted it here.. so let me remind u tht THIS IS NOT MY ARTICLE and not my opinion on this matter ( the matter of whether he likes u or not)..and guys.. if u have anything to comment.. please do so..

He actively takes an interest in you and what you have to say. He's not just nodding and smiling and checking his watch every five minutes like you're trying to sell him life insurance. There's eye contact. He's actively listening. He's asking questions, relating things you say to his own experiences. If he's really good, he'll remember something you said and incorporate it in a future date. Try not to act too surprised.

He's forthcoming. He wants you to know about him. This manifests itself in a bunch of ways. He'll share personal details about himself. He'll even be eager to cough up basic factoids such phone numbers, his address and place of work. If he isn't giving up this kind of info, then he doesn't want you tracking him down -- or he's Batman or Superman. So if he doesn't live at Wayne Manor or the Fortress of Solitude, give it up.

He'll mark his territory. He won't pee on you or anything per se, but he will exhibit some animal behavior. If he's decided he wants you as his female, he won't want to lose you. If there's any chance that you might be snapped up by another male, he'll stake his claim. He'll be tactile with you, slipping an arm around you, possibly posturing and standing up when another guy walks onto the scene. Watch out for some regression to a more primitive man. If you hear grunting, don't panic. It's his way of saying he likes you.

He calls you back. Despite the stereotype, he will call you back. If you're a girl in demand, he won't want you to be the one that got away, so he'll call you to set up the next date or ask how you're doing. If you're getting calls for no reason, that's a good thing. However, you may want to invest in a good phone plan.

He'll check you out. You'll bring out his spy skills in a good way. He'll talk to your friends to get the 411 on you. He wants to know more about you -- your past, your present, your likes and dislikes, water hazards, etc. He's doing his homework because he wants to impress you. He's gathering this intelligence so he knows how best to woo you.

He's flirtatious. Guys get playful around women they like. It's a little dance he's doing around you to show his interest and his daring. However, he's not just being flirty, he's also probing. He's putting on a little show for you to see if you'll reciprocate. The more you play, the more he stays. Now shake that tail feather.

He's always planning ahead. If he digs you, he won't want you getting away from him. To make sure you aren't prey to some other guy, he'll be making plans for the next date before the current one is over. A full calendar is a good sign.

He's attentive. He's been listening to you, and knows what you like and where you like to go. He treats you to your favorite things and places. He'll spring surprises.

He'll blow off his buddies to be with you. It's always tricky managing existing commitments with burgeoning relationships. There are bound to be conflicts of interest at the some point. So take it as a good sign when he'll ditch going out with the boys to see you instead.

Acts of selflessness. He'll take one for the team of you and him. These can be large or small acts. They can be as small as holding your hair back for when you've got stomach flu, or as large as suffering through a Celine Dion concert and pretend he's enjoying it because you're a fan. Now “that's the power of love.”

Okay, he's doing his part, but what about you? You've got him wrapped around your little finger, but don't get cocky. You can lose him in the blink of an eye with a few classic screw-ups.

False Advertising. I understand that we all want to impress a potential new partner. It's in our DNA. Only the fittest survive and only the most interesting get dates. So make yourself interesting, but please don't pretend to be someone you're not. Don't say you were a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader if you weren't. Don't tell him you're a party girl when you're a bookworm. This is a double whammy. First, he'll be POed because he believed your character enhancements. Second, you're not the person he's looking for. If he wants the party girl and you're a bookworm, how long do you think that's going to last? Keep it real, ladies.

You get jealous for no reason. Okay, your previous guy cheated on you. That's a shame, but not all guys are wired the same. So, if your current guy hasn't done anything wrong, then give him the benefit of the doubt. Not even the Dalai Lama is going to put up with being accused of cheating or having you check up on him every five minutes.

The Princess Complex. You've got a nice little thing going on with him, but suddenly it's all about you and not about the two of you. Who died and made you queen?

Letting yourself go. You were a dynamite package with you two starting dating, but the backless cocktail dresses and Jimmy Choos have been replaced by moo-moos and flip-flops. Just because you've hooked your dream guy doesn't mean you can take your foot off the gas. If you don't care about your appearance, don't expect him to.

Taking it too fast. It's easy to get carried away with that guy in your life. You want to be with him every minute of the day, you think you should move in together and a summer wedding would be wonderful. That's all super -- as long as he's just as keen. If he sees you streaking ahead of him, he'll be making a U-turn, so watch your speed, Danica.
##im out##

aku terlupa..

dah lame giler rasenyer tak layan blog.. sampai aku dah terlupa password n tak dapat log in.. sampai kena reset password baru.. baru2 ni sebab bosan sgt.. aku start masuk chat room.. guess which chat room i visited? hihihi.. I visited "kampung".. so mula lah proses berchatting dgn strangers from all over malaysia.. ade juga satu dua foreigner yg tersangkut kat sana.. hehe.. terase macam umur aku 13 tahun plak.. coz tht was the last time i entered chatroom i chatted with few guys and girls and found it not much different from the last time i used it.. tapi aku 'terjumpa' seorang mamat ni.. dia pakai nick name "E".. talking to E buat aku terlupa tentang quotation harga yang perlu aku submit a.s.a.p (padahal client dah asyik msg phone aku tak henti2).. and buat aku terlupa dgn kebosanan.. E is a nice guy.. he was very decent n polite through out the conversation and then we added each other in ym.. so lepas tu aku dah tak masuk "kampung" lagi..

*selama dua hari berchatting ngan E aku rase.. E ni seorang yg perahsia.. sume bende dia taknak bagi tau.. tanye bday bile pun taknak bagi tau.. keje ape pun dia tak ckp.. same ade he is very secretive or he has trust issue towards people.. tu aku tak pasti.. tapi yg pasti aku tak tanye soalan yg personal kat dia..aku layan je lah... dia taknak bagi tau pun takpe.. bukannye aku nak tau sgt.. just wanna create some conversation between us.. hari ni dia tak online plak.. maybe bz or too tired..

**now..let me update the story of mr brainy.. dia dah kahwin.. dah ade anak pun.. kantoi kat shopping mall ngan mummy.. nasib baik dia tak kenal mummy.. so selambe je dia lalu kat depan mummy ngan wife n baby dia.. bile aku tanye dia ckp.."mane ade kahwin.. mane u dpt idea ni?" hihihihihi selambe je kan ayat dia.. tapi mmg nampak jelas dia menipu time lepas tu aku dah tak contact dia lagi.. bile dia call aku layan tapi aku dah tak mula kan lagi.. last nite we went out for dinner.. mulanya dia call for no reason like always.. pastu ajak pegi dinner, bile aku ckp takde kereta.. dia ckp..." i'll pick u up.." so aku pun get ready n he picked me up.. we went to korean restaurant kat tesco yg baru bukak.. the food was good tapi dia tak suka plak.. maybe ape yg dia order tu tak best kot.. ape yg aku makan cam sedap je.. then dah makan.. kite org pegi satu cafe lagi.. sbb sebelum pegi korean restaurant tu kite org lalu kat depan cafe tu.. its a pancake cafe.. smtg similar mcm pancake restaurant yg kat sunway pyramid tu.. so bile lalu kat situ aku ni ckplah.. "eh ade cafe baru.. jom kite cuba".. then he suggested kite org pegi after makan kat korean i agreed.. but in my mind, i was confirmed, takkan makan ape2 lagi after the korean restrn.. tapi layan je lah mamat ni.. kalau nak balik pun bukan bleh.. aku tak drive.. so after dinner we went there.. pancake cafe.. ade segale macam makanan kat dunia ni.. chicken chop, lamb chop, fish n chip, soups and alot more things.. yg takde satu je.. guess what?.. PANCAKE.. hahahaha.. serious ni.. pancake je yg takde.. so mr brainy tanye ngan waiter tu.. kate pancake house mane pancake nyer.. nape takde dalam menu? dia ckp 'ooo yg tu kite belom buat lagi'.. so ended up kite org minum mocha n cappucino je..hihihihi bleh percaye tak? kedai pancake takde jual pancake..
***so tu lah cerita ape yg terjadi malam tadi.. igtkan ade sessi makan pancake tapi hampeh.. pancake belom mula di jual..huhuhuhu..
##im out##